Guidelines for PPGAI Safety Approved Salons

All pets must be treated humanely and compassionately at ALL times
All areas of the Salon must be safe, sanitised, in good repair, secure, stable, durable, and well maintained
Pets should always be well-protected, comfortable and in an escape controlled environment
In case the need to hold a pet arises while in the care of the service provider, all holding areas should allow a pet to sit, stand and turn around comfortably in the provided crate or enclosure.
If Crates are used, they should be adequately ventilated for the pet’s health, safety and comfort
Crates and enclosures must be of material that is easy to clean
Crates should be arranged so personnel can safely see and access all areas of the crates
Unless by owner’s consent, no more than one pet may be housed per crate or enclosure.
Pets confined for more than four hours must be offered fresh water and given toilet breaks.
A CCTV monitor/display screen or a one-sided viewing window must be available for clients who wish to watch their pets being groomed
All bathing areas should be in good repair and safe operating condition.
Products and/or chemicals used in the process of grooming and styling of pets must comply with all applicable guidelines, rules and regulations and be 100% pet friendly.
Tubs for the bathing of dogs should have a non-slip bottom surface.
Water temperature should be set at an appropriate level for the pet and care must be taken to prevent discomfort or injury from excessively hot or cold water.
There should be a non-slip surface on the floor by each tub for groomers and stylists.
Grooming and drying tables should be safe, sturdy and in good operating condition.
Table tops for dogs should be equipped with a non-slip surface that is easy to clean.
Grooming arms, by which the pet is restrained, should be pet friendly and secure.
All other products, tools and equipment used in the performance of the work must be maintained in good working condition and used in a safe, professional manner.
All dryers should be appropriately maintained and routinely checked for electrical snags that could lead to injuries
Pet restraints must be safe and humane and follow current international safety standards of practice for all pets.
The facility should be cleaned as necessary for pet and human health.
Crates, enclosures, tubs and tables must be cleaned between each pet.
There must be at least 1 person in the team holding an updated Pet First Aid certificate
A first aid kit for the benefit of pets and all personnel, including eye wash products and equipment, must be on site at all times.
The facility should be ventilated to provide for good air quality
Air temperature should provide for the safety, health and comfort of all personnel and all pets
When pets are present, at least one person familiar with pet first aid must be in the facility
Emergency action protocols should be in place to assure all pets within the facility receive proper care should an emergency situation arise.
Each facility must have the name and contact information of a local emergency veterinarian readily available.
Cleaning products and equipment shall be made readily available to all personnel.
The Facility must be in compliance with all local, state, and national laws.
The Facility should keep and maintain records of all clients and their respective pets. Such records should include the vaccination records of the pet, name, address and phone numbers of the owner, the services provided, and the date such services were provided.
Records for each pet should be maintained for a minimum period of one year from the date of service.
Pet incident reports must be created in the event of any incident that occurs and kept on file for a minimum of three years.
Accurate safety and health records for all personnel must be maintained in accordance with municipal, state and central Government requirements.